Tuesday, July 21, 2009

More Thoughts

Its a little after 11:00 p.m. and I am thinking of bed. I feel pretty good tonight...not dead tired like last night. I've had a very good day. Didn't get as much done as I had planned but I did get the research done for the paper I have to have written by Friday night. I read through the articles tonight and have some ideas that I would like to have perculate in my brain. I'll probably actually start writing the paper tomorrow night and hope to have it done by Friday. I should.

The Discoverture Team has been sent home; all except for Duane of course. It is such a compliment that they asked him to stay but so hard on him to be there by himself again. Even though he didn't see his fellow workers on the weekends or evenings, they were there working beside him during the day. Now they are all on their way home. He doesn't know how long he will be staying. His boss is not going to let him stay there on the cheap. The company was expecting to make money on this project and after paying $4000 for 5 people to attend a two week training, after putting out thousands of dollars for the guys to lease apartments, after building expenses budgets, the company says, "oops, jumped the gun too fast. go home. we are sorry for 'interrupting' your life" I doubt that they let Duane go cheap. The company may not want to pay Discoverture's asking price and Duane may be on his way home sooner than he expects. I wouldn't mind if he came home sooner rather than later. It is lonely here without him and the dogs miss getting their treats.

I know as soon as Duane walks in the door, Buster will run to the pantry and ask Duane for a treat. I don't think I have given them a single one since Duane has left. That was always Duane's thing; not mine. When I am near the pantry the dogs don't even lift there heads to figure out what I am getting out. They would probably all faint if I got out the treats.

I think a storm is coming our way. I thought it was going to miss us but now I am not so sure. I should go outside and put shock in the pool before it gets bad. I am going into my office tomorrow to get some things done. Hard to believe school is going to start in a week and a half. But what I have learned is that the school year goes faster every year!!

Okay...shock the pool and then call it a night!!

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